SDG has a long history of helping corporations select optimal sites for headquarters and back-office facilities. In today’s business environment, as working remotely continues to gain acceptance, we anticipate many more organizations will re-evaluate the size and physical location of headquarters and office facilities in dense, high-cost markets when talent can more readily be virtually accessed from many locations.
In a December 11th Bloomberg article, SDG President, Mark Williams, weighs in on what the future may hold for traditional financial hubs like New York and Chicago as companies adapt to the post-pandemic world and the work from home movement.
Williams comments, “Dallas; Atlanta; Nashville, Tennessee; and Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina, are among the cities drawing companies away from the home of Wall Street…I don’t think we’re going to see a mass exodus from New York or Chicago, but we’re going to see more and more of this” To view the full article and read more on Mark comments, please click HERE.
For even more of SDG’s insights on corporate site selection and economic development, please click HERE.
Strategic Development Group provides site selection and incentive negotiation services for a diverse range of manufacturing, distribution, office, and corporate headquarters location projects. We would be pleased to discuss your company’s site location needs. For more information on getting in touch with us, please click HERE.