by Jeannette Goldsmith | Oct 18, 2019 | Recent Speaking Engagements
My topic this evening is Macro-Trends impacting capital investment and the expanded role of economic development. I will also discuss the importance of product development and the need to continue to identify new product in order to stay ahead of growth and...
by Jeannette Goldsmith | Oct 18, 2019 | Recent Speaking Engagements
On September 25th at the Southeastern Construction Owners and Associates Roundtable held in Greenville, SC.Jeannette joined by experts in the Construction, Engineering and Project Management to discuss the challenges in today’s economic capital investment landscape...
by Jeannette Goldsmith | Oct 9, 2019 | Insights, Recent Speaking Engagements
“Every company is a technology company.” I can’t remember who said this first or where I heard it, but there is no doubt that this statement is true. Even with the inevitability of it, we continue our collective hand-wringing about the move to greater automation and...
by Strategic Development Group | Nov 2, 2017 | Press, Recent Speaking Engagements
Mark Williams Quoted in Greenville Business Magazine Regarding Insights on S.C. Sites If Field of Dreams were filmed today in South Carolina, the whole build-it-and-they-will-come script would likely have to be flipped—our hero, flush with capital and an expansive...